

Story 47 reported by Max on
Monday, 12th January 2004 at 11·08 p.m. GMT

As you should be able to see, I’ve added a background to OddBlog, just to help make it look a little less dull. I’ve also constructed a layout that should be able to encompass this page, using up more redundant space and distinctly branding OddBlog as a section within The Oddworld Encyclopaedia. The images in the frameset include the appropriate links and legalise, so all I have to worry about now is writing the code—​so perhaps I can launch OddBlog with the new and improved Forums.

Speaking of which, Alcar was today able to upload the entire Forums to the new server and update it to vB3. It really shouldn’t take long before all or most websites, hosts and addresses are up and running again.


Stories from January 2004
Headlines from 2004